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What are the characteristics of an Entrepreneur?

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Practice to become a successful Entrepreneur

To be an entrepreneur a person must have certain characteristics which express his/ her identity as an entrepreneur. The general characteristics of an entrepreneur are-risk taking capacity, creativity and innovation, need for achievement, industriousness, self-confidence and firm determination. 

There are some behavioral and psychological characteristics of an entrepreneur such as- i) need for achievement ii) risk taking propensity iii) need for power iv) internal external locus of control v) need for autonomy and vi) creativity. Now here are some characteristics on the basis of function of an entrepreneur. Those are- a) risk taking b) innovation and creation of new business ideas c) development and extension of existing venture and d) management & marketing. There are some other characteristics that can be found in an entrepreneur such as- leadership capability, foresightedness, opportunity seeking ability, high levels of ambition, proper decision making capability, dynamism and time conscious.